GAM 392: Game Modification Workshop
Intro Resources Schedule Assignments Readings Teams

Games and their Inspiration discussed in class on 9/13:

Inspiration from Combing Game Mechanics into a new synthesis:

Maverick by John Cooney (Armor Games) combines propulsion and shooting.

Continuity by Ragtime Games mashes up physical sliding tile puzzles and platformers.

Inspiration from Bringing Game Characters Together but allowing each one to retain his unique powers in a brawl:

Super Smash Bros. by Nintendo (video)

ROM Check Fail by (video) mashes up environments and music as well.

Inspiration from a Market Constraint:

Canabalt uses the constraint of mobile games, which demand short gameplay sessions but high replayability.

Inspiration from Exaggerating Stereotypes:

Robot Unicorn Attack by Spiritonin Media Games (for Adult Swim) celebrates and exaggerates things that are stereotypically "gay" according to popular culture.

Inspiration from Everyday Experience:

Everyday the Same Dream by Molleindustria riffs on the alienation of modern life.

Inspiration from Everyday Objects:

Sticky Notes Shooter by Kloonigames (video) arose from a love of Post-It notes.

Inspiration from Psychology:

Draw the Flow takes inspiration from the psychological concept of flow and tries to make it tangible to players.

Inspiration from an Artist:

Mondo Agency by Cactus (video) takes cues from David Lynch's films that use psychological horror such as Mulholland Drive or Twin Peaks.

Inspiration from Modern Art:

Unfinished Swan and White mashup abstract art with FPShooters.

Inspiration from Art History:

Passage by Jason Rohrer (video) is the first videogame memento mori.



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